I was given(upon my asking for it) a small kids chair for sweetness.
The previous owners where not careful with it and it had seen better days. But I just knew sweetness would love a chair all her own.
I decided to make two slipcovers for it. That way when she'd spitup, drooled on it, or her diaper leaked, it could be washed.
Now I've never slip covered anything before. But I refuse to let lack of experience dictate my crafty mojo. So I went through my fabric stash, and pulled out a swath of blue fleece and started at it.
I read a few blog entries on slipcovering, and I've watched enough hgtv to know if someone with barely any skills can make a slipcover for a sectional sofa then surely I could do so for a miniature chair.
I started with the seat and draped, and pinned.then hacked at the fabric with scissors. Next the front of the arms, then the top and sides, the front if the back and last the back.
Next basting so I could remove the pins and the cover from the chair and take it to the sewing machine.
(BTW I did trim that left corner to match the right. I took the picture before that though. )
After sewing up all my basted stitches it's not bad for a first try! My next one will be a little more planned and made from a cloth backed tablecloth so I can wipe it clean.(or hose off if need be. lol) But for now it's functional and not bad for my first try with no pattern!

I can't wait for Sweetness to wake from her nap and see it! She's going to love it!
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