We started potty training on Monday April 1st. (Also my birthday) ;)
We decided after much thought and consideration and recommendations from others to go with "Oh Crap , Potty Training" for our "method".
The process makes total sense and every part I've read so far is logical and well thought out.
You basically are working in phases/blocks/stages whatever you want to call them rather than days.
Phase 1: naked (at least from the waist down) the goal is to get baby to sit on the potty and hopefully pee. Bonus points if they tell you when they need to go but not nessicary.
Phase 2: commando aka no diaper or undies just a dress, skirt, or pants. You use a diaper during naps and nighttime (unless you decide to night train too).
Phase 3: commando with outings.
Eventually baby starts telling you when they need to go but at first and for a bit you are prompting and taking them.
This is where we are at.
I have been so impressed with Sweetness as we travel this process. She's gone from clueless to I peed to I'm peeing fast. And most of the time at the I'm peeing stage.
I've learned her "potty dance" and she can stay dry for short outings so long as we do regular potty breaks. Her bladder is very small after all.
I really like that the author focus's on the positives not the negatives, that the potty training isn't reward or shame based and that it just focus's on teaching. No pressure just easy.
So far so good. I'm impressed. I'll keep you posted on our progress and how we are doing every little bit.