I've been thinking a lot about a post that might help my readers lately. Due to lots of traveling I have had diapers on my mind.
I've been using cloth exclusively for a little over a year now and part time for a few months longer than that(that was before the allergy to disposables became clear).
So I've played with many types and kinds of diapers and accessories. And there are some that I keep reaching for and some I don't. So I thought I'd recommend some Diapering Items to help round out or start a stash.
1.) Flats
These don't seem like a great option as you have to fold them. But they are super versatile! They make a great burp rag, tie on bib, and tablecloth. Also for travel these are the most compact option. There is a bit of a learning curve but they are totally worth it.
Also super cheap. I love the target brand Flour Sack Towels as they work great as flats! And they are available EVERYWHERE.
I recommend at least 10 in anyone's stash.
2.) Prefolds
These are awesome to keep on hand for burp rags, diapers, backups on wash day, or if you use mostly pockets, an extra insert here and there. They are SUPER absorbent, and easy to wash and dry. You can bleach them after yeast infections, sun to remove stains, and they are basically the most versatile diaper out there.
Paired with an extra absorbent insert these do FABULOUS over night for super pee'rs.
I recommend at least 5 Toddler size in a stash, and if you have super pee'rs as many as you have pockets in Infant size to use as inserts.
3.) Covers with a Front Inner Flap
Think bummi's or flip diapers but I prefer Work at home mom made covers honestly. They come in just as many cute prints. One size, and sized options. And are very affordable.
I recommend at least 5 of these in any stash.
4.) Stay Dry Liners
You can buy these or they are super easy to make. Buy a yard of Microfleece at the fabric store. But into strips about 4 inches wide and at least 8 inches long. 9 or 10 is better. No sewing required as it doesn't unravel. lay these between baby and the flats or prefolds and they will stay dry overnight.
These are also great if you need to use a non cloth safe cream or your baby is having tummy issues as they rinse REALLY well if they get poopy.
I recommend one yard of fabric cut into as many strips as you can get from it.
5.) A Spray Bottle
I don't use a wipe warmer. Babies have been used to room temp wipes since forever. If necessary I use warm water on a cloth. But usually I use a spray bottle that I keep in her room that has mostly water in it. And a few essential oils to keep her smelling fresh and bacteria or fungas at bay.
6.) Lavender and Tea Tree Essential oils
I put 3 drops of lavender in my spray bottle when I fill it. Tea Tree is a natural anti-fungal and I use it in the wash occasionally. Usually after we've been sick to kill germs and fungus.
And they both smell nice.
One Bottle of Each on hand at all times is a good idea.
7.) Vinegar
Works great in a spray bottle to keep smelly diapers in need of wash less smelly. Works great in the wash for softening, and for keeping stink at bay. You can clean with it and not worry about baby drinking it as it's not harmful if ingested. It works to get rid of vomit smell in place of febreez, and even pet odors to an extent.
If you have hard water this can make mineral buildup worse so use with caution. If not though it's awesome!
A large bottle. Keep this on hand at all times.
8.) Downy Ball
Most grocery stores have these in the laundry detergent isle. Check the little hanging displays or on the top or bottom shelves. You can also order them from amazon but they are cheaper in the store.
I use these to dispense vinegar. Reason being vinegar works best in the last rinse cycle and the ball dispenses in that cycle.
I recommend one in your washing supplies.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
A day in the life of BopBop and Sweetness
There's been a challenge going around my mothering.com ddc on facebook where you do a "photo diary" for one day. I decided to do this yesterday to show what a typical weekday for me and the bebe is like.
So Starting at 8:45-ish We woke up. Sweetness nursed by then and my room is too dark to show that so we took a picture after.

Happy baby with a full tummy.
by now it's 9:35-ish.
out of bed and get the baby dressed. back to the room to get myself dressed.
Norrie play's learning games on the bed while I get dressed.
Dressed but my hair is a wreck.
Leggings, and a black sweater.
Hair fixed.
Check on Sweetness. She's still playing and being silly.
Added a skirt and boots to the outfit.
Time to head to the chiropractor. But first...
The dogs need breakfast. I forgot something in the bedroom...
AHHH! Running late!
Grabbed my keys,
Bye Puppies!
Sweetness is buckled and ready to go.
Our house. :)
Arrival at the chiropractor.
Chiropractor's office. :)
Done with our adjustment. Now to walmart.
At walmart about 10 minutes later.
Eating our horribly unhealthy burger king breakfast. Egg and cheese crissont FTW.
Leaving walmart about an hour later.
(btw this sign tells you to check your car for un-attended children you might have left behind.)
(btw this sign tells you to check your car for un-attended children you might have left behind.)
Get home and Chad has caught a bird. Gross.
Inside. The pups are happy to see us!
She asked for a drink.
Reading a book.
Checking on the dogs.
Wearing a slinky for a belt.
We need a snack.
Still obsessed with her "belp".
Snacktime. Pretzels and crackers and tuna.
Stealing some of my tuna.
Time to get ready for a nap.
Nursing. Her foot is on my cheek. Gymnurstics is typical for a toddler. Then put her down with her blankie and kitty. Can't take a photo or it will disrupt the cycle.
Fed the tree frog.
Check on the dogs.
Set a timer to do some housework.
I've been spotted. So I let them in to keep them quiet.
Silverware put away. What are those short forks called? I aparently need to buy more.
A much cleaner sink.
Time to do something else.
Like tidy the livingroom. and have a snack.
Catch up on facebook then to take a nap.
Wake up. Baby's awake.
Give her a potty break.
Waiting for me to open the door.
Baby's laundry.
In the wash.
Needed another drink.
Time to deal with the laundry somemore. (always!)
Take diapers out of the drier.
I broke to fingernails. :(
Time for a light lunch.
Oatmeal! YUM!
Cheese and Goldfish.
Blessing our food.
She requested more "new gah" AKA Tuna.
Coloring while we snack.
Had to strip her clothes. We had an accident.
Potty break again then getting ready to go.
Time after a clothing change for the munchkin.
making a cup of coffee for the road.
Need to leave for Nana's.
Mama and Bebe!
Bathroom mirror shot.
Grabbing stuff to take with us. Gloves for my little sis Sgirl.
She thinks the neighbors camper is an ambulance. lol
Bye puppies!
Leaving the house.
Time after buckling Sweetness in the carseat.
55 degree's outside. Not to bad. :) (that's my tire pressure light nothing to worry about it comes on when the temp fluctuates. I just need to add a tiny bit of air to them.)

We're at Nana's!
Nana's house.
My little siblings thought thy found a dinosaur bone.
Sweetness is very excited to get out to play.
Waving form the porch. We had to borrow a coat from Nana since I left her's at church Sunday.
Sgirl playing in the yard.
Playing in the yard at Nana's.
Pepper got to ride too.
Let's go Pepper!
Digging in the yard. with Aunt and Uncle.
Inside with Jman.
Playing with the tablet again.
Getting dinner ready.
Sitting down to eat.
Eating Taco insides. YUM!
Heading home.
In Pj's and a night Diaper.
Starting our bedtime routine. Nursing, rocking with a paci, and singing. Then night night.
Goodnight baby.
Out of sweetness's Room.
I uploaded pictures, and read on facebook for about an hour. Then went to bed at 10: 45 ish.
Watched Start Trek in bed then went to sleep after 11.
That was our day!
I uploaded pictures, and read on facebook for about an hour. Then went to bed at 10: 45 ish.
Watched Start Trek in bed then went to sleep after 11.
That was our day!
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